About Me

Welcome! I am a final-year Ph.D. student at the Department of Computer Science, Emory University, where I am fortunate to be advised by Dr. Liang Zhao. Previously, I received my master’s degree in Statistics from George Washington University in 2020. I received my bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from the School of Mathematical Science, Fudan University in Shanghai, China in 2018. I worked as a research intern at Argonne National Laboratory and NEC Lab America.

Research Interests

I am interested in designing efficient and generalizable learning algorithms. Specifically, my current research topics include but are not limited to 1. Developing various learning algorithms for knowledge/domain transfer, such as multi-task learning (MTL), domain adaptation (DA), and domain generalization (DG). 2. Designing large-scale machine learning algorithms with enhanced efficiency, such as model compression & acceleration of LLMs and distributed training for deep neural networks. 3. Online learning such as continual/lifelong learning with efficient memory replay and neuro-inspiration.

Selected Projects

1. Domain and Knowledge Transfer

Enhancing machine learning models’ adaptability and effectiveness across various domains/tasks.

a) Multi-Task Learning

b) Domain Adaptation/Generalization

2. Efficient Large-Scale Machine Learning

Exploring scalable solutions in machine learning.

a) Model Compression & Acceleration of LLMs

b) Distributed Training for Deep Neural Networks

3. Neuro-Inspired Continual Learning

Focusing on memory-replay and neuro-inspiration approaches for continual learning.

Services and Awards

  • PC member for AISTATS (23’24’), NeurIPS (22’23’), ICLR (24’), AAAI (24’)
  • Reviewer for KDD, ICML, ICLR, ICDM
  • 2023 SDM student travel award
  • 2022 CIKM student travel award
  • 2022 KDD student travel award